Vocera Support > Vocera Voice Commands

How to Use Voice Commands

The Vocera Platform offers the ability to call by name, group or role from a range of devices including iPhone and Android smartphones, and the Vocera hands-free wearable Badge. Below you will find a list of the top voice commands commonly used by Vocera customers.

Action Voice Command (examples in italics)
Log in Say your first and last name in response to the prompt
Log out Log me out
Find out who is logged in to the Badge Who am I?
Listen to the Welcome tutorial Play Welcome tutorial
Record your name Record my name
Record, play back, or erase your greeting

Record my greeting.

Play my greeting.

Erase my greeting.

Action Voice Command (examples in italics)
Call a Badge User Call John Smith.
Call a group member Call Tech Support.
Place an urgent call to a Badge user.* Urgently call John Smith.
Place an urgent call to a group member* Urgently call Tech Support.
Call a user with a department name.* Call John Smith in Hardware.
Call a user with first name and a department name* Call Sue in Hardware.
Call an addres book entry.* Call Poison Control.
Call an outside buddy* Call My Mom.
Call an extension.* Dial extension 5120.
Call a local or long-distance telephone number.* Dial an outside number.
Redial the last phone number.* Redial number.
Send touch tones through a badge.

1. While on a call, double-click the Hold/DND button.

2. At the beep, say the number.

Say "Yes" to confirm.

Action Voice Command (examples in italics)

• Call Jesse Hart

• Call J-E-S-S-E

• Call H-A-R-T

• Call J-E-S-S-E-H-A-R-T

Always speak or spell the full name to contact a group or a place:

• Call Poison Control

• Call P-O-I-S-O-N-C-O-N-T-R-O-L.

Spelling can improve speech recognition. Spelling is so effective that it may work even when it is slightly incorrect!

Make sure you speak with an even pace and say each letter distinctly when you spell a name.

Action Voice Command (examples in italics)

Initiate a broadcast to a group

Broadcast to Tech Support

Initiate an urgent broadcast to a group.

Urgently broadcast to Tech Support

Initiate an urgent broadcast to the emergency broadcast group. Double-click the Call button and begin speaking

Reply to everyone.

1. Press and hold the Call button before the broadcast ends.

• If it is OK to talk, you hear a chime.

• If someone else has already started to reply, you hear a warning tone.

2. Begin speaking.

3. When finished, release the Call button. Everyone in the broadcast group hears a chime, letting them know they can reply

Action Voice Command (examples in italics)
Train the Genie to recognize the way you say a name Learn a name. Learn a group name. Learn a location name
Delete the learned name Unlearn name (group name, location name)
Train the Genie to recognize the way you say commands. Learn commands. Learn more commands
Delete all your learned commands. Unlearn commands.
Action Voice Command (examples in italics)

Send a standard or urgent message to a Badge user
or to all members of a group (without trying to call them).

Record a message for John Smith.
Record an urgent message for John Smith.
Record a message for Tech Support.

Play new voice messages

Play messages.
Play messages from Joe Smith.
Play messages from Marketing.

Play new text messages. Play text messages. 
Play old (previously played) voice messages. 

Play old messages.

Play old messages from John Smith.

Play old messages from Marketing.

Play old (previously played) text messages. Play old text messages.
Delete voice messages, played or not.  Delete all messages.

Delete messages from John Smith.

Delete text messages, played or not. Delete all text messages.

Delete all text messages from John Smith.

Issue commands while playing a message.
(Press the Call button before saying the command).

Delete. Time. Save. Back. Repeat. Cancel.
Create a voice reminder for yourself. Record a voice reminder.
Create a voice reminder for a single user or multiple users. 

Record a voice reminder for Keisha Hernandez.
Record a voice reminder for Keisha Hernandez,
George Ngu and Sally Wassermann.

Delete all pending voice reminders.  Delete all voice reminders.
Delete one or more pending voice reminders. Delete voice reminders.
Action Voice Command (examples in italics)
Forward calls to a Badge user or to a group

Forward my calls to John Smith.

Forward my calls to Tech Support         

Forward calls to a number in your profile

Forward my calls to my desk phone.

Forward my calls to my cell phone.

Forward my calls to my home phone.

Forward my calls to my voice mail.

Forward to an internal extension. Forward my calls to extension 3425.
Forward to an outside number.

Forward my calls to an outside number.

Forward my calls to another number

Stop forwarding (and accept calls on your Badge again).

Stop forwarding.

Action Voice Command (examples in italics)

Transfer a call in progress to a Badge user, group members, or desk extension.

Press the Hold/DND button to put the call on hold, then press the Call button and say:

Transfer to John Smith.

Transfer to Tech Support.

Transfer to extension 2457.*      

Action Voice Command (examples in italics)

Send a page to a person or group in the Vocera Communication System.

Page Tom Mailer.

Page Tech Support

Send a page to an outside number

Page an outside number.

Send a page to an internal number. Page number 39647.

Allow Badge users to send you numeric pages.*

Enable pages.*

Stop receiving numeric pages from Badge users.*

Disable pages.*

Action Voice Command (examples in italics)

Add yourself to groups.

Add me to Tech Support.

Add me to multiple groups

Remove yourself from groups.

Remove me from Tech Support.

Remove me from multiple groups.

Action Voice Command (examples in italics)

Join a conference.

Join the conference for Cashiers.*

Leave a conference

Leave the conference for Cashiers.*

Start conferencing or reply (when you are already in a conference).

1. Press and hold the Call button.

• If it is OK to talk, you hear a chime.

• If someone else has already started to reply, you hear a warning tone.

2. Begin speaking.

3. When finished, release the Call button. Everyone in the conference hears a chime, letting them know they can reply.

Find out what conference you are in.

What conference am I in?

Find out who is in your conference.

Who is in my conference?
Find out who is in any conference.

Who is in the conference for Managers?

Cancel or block conferences.

Press the Hold/DND button.

Action Voice Command (examples in italics)

Initiate a conference call.

Conference James Madison and Mary Lamb

Add another party to a call (unsupervised method).

1. Press the Hold/DND button to put your call on hold.

2. Press the Call button to summon the Genie and say: Invite Robin Woods.

Add another party to a call (supervised method).

1. Press the Hold/DND button to put your call on hold.

2. Press the Call button to summon the Genie and say: Call Robin Woods. Your Badge connects to that party.

3. After speaking with the new party, press the Hold/DND button. When the Genie asks if you want to conference the parties, do either of the following:

• Say “Yes” to create a conference call between you and the other two parties.

• Say “No” to place the new party on hold and speak to the original caller.

Initiate an urgent conference call.

Urgently conference James Madison and Mary Lamb.

Urgently add another party to a call (unsupervised method).

1. Press the Hold/DND button to put your call on hold.

2. Press the Call button to summon the Genie and say: Urgently invite Jo Lee.

Urgently add another party to a call (supervised method).

1. Press the Hold/DND button to put your call on hold.

2. Press the Call button to summon the Genie and say: Urgently invite Jo Lee.

Action Voice Command (examples in italics)

Play announcements through Badge speaker when headset is plugged in.

Turn announce through speaker on.

Play announcements through headset when headset is plugged in.

Turn announce through speaker off.

Action Voice Command (examples in italics)

Log in at your home site.

Press the Call button, say your first and last name when prompted.

Log in at a site you are visiting

1. Press the Call button, then wait to hear the login prompt.

2. Connect to your home site: Connect to San Jose.

3. Wait for the prompt, then say your name to log in: April Buckley.

Call a user at your current site.

Call April Buckley.

Call a user at a remote site or any arbitrary site.*

1. Connect to San Jose.

2. Call April Buckley

Action Voice Command (examples in italics)

Find out which groups you are in.

What groups am I in?

Find out who is in a particular group.

Who is in Technical Support?

Check the current time and date.

What time is it?